Tiered Green House - Bell & Paton

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  • Regular price R 1,299.00
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The Bell & Paton portable tiered greenhouse is specifically designed for the home gardener with smaller space. There are four sizes available meaning that anyone, no matter how much room you have available, you can produce fresh greens for your home.

If it is your dream to own your own greenhouse but you have limited space, this is the perfect solution for you. The affordable tiered greenhouses are suitable for any indoor or outdoor areas, the shelves can be covered with a roll-up cover in colder weather. The ‘miniature’ greenhouse is the perfect size to fit a narrow yard, small patio, or balcony.

Tiered greenhouse tunnel kits are specifically designed for home gardeners with an aim to promote a healthier lifestyle while preserving our environment.

 The tiered greenhouses come with easy instructions to setup your greenhouse and top quality and durable UV treated plastic covers. Customers are guaranteed a superior tiered greenhouse tunnel.

Sizes of units is as follows

5 Shelve Unit - 70cm X 50cm X 193cm High

4 Shelve Unit - 155cm X 70cm X 200cm High

8 Shelve Unit - 155cm X 140cm X 200cm High

12 Shelve Unit - 155cm X 210cm X 200cm High

All Tiered Green Houses are shipped directly from Bell & Paton to avoid unnecessary delays